Sullivan Training Network


The Sullivan Training Network is the solution

  • No-cost, industry-recognized credentials
  • Customized training for careers in high-demand industries
  • Timely, consistent workforce
  • Wraparound support for graduates
  • Employer-designed curricula

Building economic power for America’s forgotten people:

  • Connecting employers to a reliable workforce so businesses can thrive
  • Connecting forgotten people to training for in-demand, living-wage careers

Continuing the legacy of Rev. Leon Sullivan and our 60-year fight for economic justice with renewed vigor, commitment and focus.

Through our network of 25 affiliates in the hearts of forgotten places, the Network connects with the authentic needs of the people we serve, transforming lives and strengthening  communities.


We can build a more economically just nation.

Invest In Our People

Relevant News

Philadelphia youth invited to explore STEM topics and careers

Philadelphia youth invited to explore STEM topics and careers at STEMFest Free community event offers a range of STEM activities for K-12 grade youth and launches OIC of America’s Sullivan Training Network Philadelphia, PA – Students and families getting ready to go back to school are invited to the first-ever STEMFest Philadelphia on Wednesday, August 14, from 12:00-4:00 p.m.  Students from kindergarten to high school will get to engage in over 60 hands-on, interactive activities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Studies have shown that fun and interactive learning is a proven way to get young people excited about STEM courses and careers. Hosted by OIC of America, this is the first STEM Fest in Philadelphia. From chemistry to physics


OIC of Rocky Mount CEO Reuben Blackwell elected to serve as leader of national career education group

Longtime business leader Reuben Blackwell will lead a national network of career training organizations dedicated to building economic power for poor people across America. Executive directors of OIC of America elected Reuben Blackwell as its new leader effective March 2024. Blackwell has served as OIC of Rocky Mount’s President & CEO for over 25 years. Last summer, Blackwell welcomed President Joe Biden on his visit to Rocky Mount to talk about the importance of career development and skills training in the U.S. economy.


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