Work Readiness

Work readiness training programs prepare participants to secure, retain, and succeed in a new job. OIC affiliates offer employability skills training to address important topics such as effective communication, problem solving, resume building, interviewing, and job search skills. Work readiness programs also help participants develop effective work habits that facilitate their ongoing success. On a local basis, our employer partners offer insights and information as to what it takes to succeed in their business.

Contact us at the OIC of America
office nearest to you or submit a
business inquiry online.


  • Adelina Rondeau, OIC of New London- New London, CT

    “What a wonderful place with wonderful people that truly and genuinely want to help you!”

  • Laurence Matthew

    “[South Florida OIC] truly is a blessing to the community by assisting the under-employed, unemployed, and ex-offenders population with training and job placement assistance programs.”

  • Maria Mabanag, JobTrain, Menlo Park, CA

    “Tremendous thanks to JobTrain and its financial supporters for giving me the opportunity to graduate in Culinary Arts….God Bless to you good people at JobTrain and EDD as well!!”

  • William Bright, Summit Academy OIC, MN

    “This experience gave me the confidence to return to a normal life, a normal home, and the ability to use my homelessness to empower those who struggle as I have.”